Tuesday 18 April 2006

Review: Redhook IPA

Redhook IPA from Redhook Ale Brewery
Rating: B-

Pours a light caramel, had to pour straight down the middle in order to produce a meaningful head on this one. Poured at 45 degrees for the first two I had in the six-pack, and almost no head formed. Nice lacing, very clear.

Smells of fresh hops... has another aroma in there somewhere unrelated to the hops that I associate with homebrew, but I can't pin it down.

Tastes like drinking a sweet hop tea. Little in the way of malt flavors going on. Hop flavor, followed by hop bitterness.

Not exceedingly drinkable... Needs more carbonation and more malt flavor, and a dryer finish. If nothing else, though, a good way to show non-beer-drinkers what hops actually taste like.
Mouthfeel is a little on the sweet side, and not as carbonated as I'd prefer. Long, bitter finish.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 04-18-2006 01:20:26

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