Wednesday 29 November 2006

Review: Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout from Brooklyn Brewery
Rating: A-

Appearance: very black in color, some head but not much in the way of lacing.

Smell: Appealing. Lots of chocolate in the nose - I think I got some up my nose I was trying to sniff so hard.

Taste: Too bitter and "not enough chocolate" for the relatives I shared it with at Thanksgiving, but their loss - it's delicious. Lots of dark chocolate flavor, some espresso in the background, and a not-insignificant amount of hops bitterness - you can tell that the bitterness comes from hops, not burnt grain, which I always appreciate.

Mouthfeel: Thick and creamy. Good.

Drinkability: Solid RIS, although a bit less hop character than there could be. A good dessert beer (for someone who's already a beer drinker), but not an introductory beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 11-29-2006 23:34:30

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