Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Review: Kronenbourg 1664

Kronenbourg 1664 from Brasseries Kronenbourg
Rating: C+

I've really neglected reviewing since I got to England - I've been drinking plenty of beer, just haven't had the time to contemplate on it and do a serious review while drinking. I decided to get back in the habit, and unfortunately this was the only pre-chilled beer in the house.

Appearance: Pale gold/straw in color, big head which fades quickly. No retention or lacing.

Smell: Sweet malt, green bottle smell even though it came out of a can. Grainy, green grass, alcohol slightly present.

Taste: Better than it smells. Grassy hops, dry graininess that keeps the malts from becoming cloying. Finishes dry, with a lingering hop finish that's not unpleasant. Pretty good for the style.

Mouthfeel: Crisp, light-medium body, prickly carbonation.

Drinkability: Easy-drinking lager, could be a lot worse. More hops than your typical Euro pale lager.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 12-11-2007 21:17:20

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