Wednesday 19 March 2008

Review: Mandrin Bière Aux Noix

Mandrin Bière Aux Noix from Brasserie Artisanale Du Dauphiné
Rating: B+

Girlfriend brought a bottle of this back from Grenoble. Pours a tawny leather kind of colour, with a HUGE off-white head. Slightly red-tinted, actually, when held to the light. Attractive. Retention is not what I was expecting, based on the other review, but decent. Good lace.

Smell: Malty, mostly in the toast/biscuit way. A good bit of earthy, citric hops as well. Nuttiness... not sure, not much anyway. A bit of a straw note that brings pilseners to mind, but malt-dominant.

Taste: Caramel maltiness resembles cola a bit too much. Citric hoppiness. Pleasant, earthy aftertaste. A bit of dry cocoa powder in the aftertaste as well. Actually improves as it warms. Toast and nuttiness come out a bit more. Balance improves. Take this into account when serving.

Mouthfeel: Acidic, carbonation a little too spritzy. Creamy body, though.

Drinkability: good

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-19-2008 21:25:51

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