Wednesday 2 April 2008

Review: Cambridge Bitter

Cambridge Bitter from Elgood and Sons Ltd
Rating: B-

Purchased at Cambridge Wine Merchants, on Bridge St.

Appearance: darker in color than I had been expecting, rich amber with a big fluffy head that has great retention and leaves lace all over the place. Looks effervescent. Very clear.

Smell: a disappointment after appearance, the nose is fairly weak. Some soapiness I would typically associate with a lager, not an ale like this. A bit of floral hops.

Taste: light fruitiness, on top of a pleasant English maltiness. Finishes on a bitter hop note. What hop flavor there is remains fairly earthy and unassertive.

Mouthfeel & Drinkability: quite fizzy, overly so. Would be solved in the cask version, I'd imagine... Body is light/medium. Aftertaste lingers. Drinkability is moderate.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 04-02-2008 21:17:56

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