St. Peter's Best Bitter from St. Peter's Brewery Co Ltd
Rating: B+
Appearance: Label is orange, contrary to the picture on BA. Attractive amber color, lots of lacing although retention isn't spectacular.
Smell: Aroma is fairly light, herbal hops and a hint of brown sugar.
Taste: Lots of biscuit/toasty malt, which I am a fan of. Some grapefruity hops (in a british beer?) and a little brown sugar. Slightly soapy finish. Lasting, bitter aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Moderately high carbonation - much more so than any bitter you'd get on cask. Fairly light body.
Drinkability: Drank this one to de-stress after burning something in the kitchen. Did the job.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 05-30-2008 16:58:55
Rating: B+
Appearance: Label is orange, contrary to the picture on BA. Attractive amber color, lots of lacing although retention isn't spectacular.
Smell: Aroma is fairly light, herbal hops and a hint of brown sugar.
Taste: Lots of biscuit/toasty malt, which I am a fan of. Some grapefruity hops (in a british beer?) and a little brown sugar. Slightly soapy finish. Lasting, bitter aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Moderately high carbonation - much more so than any bitter you'd get on cask. Fairly light body.
Drinkability: Drank this one to de-stress after burning something in the kitchen. Did the job.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 05-30-2008 16:58:55