Saturday 17 May 2008

Review: Double Swan

Double Swan from Elgood and Sons Ltd
Rating: B

Appearance: pours a golden honey color with a fluffy white head which leaves copious amounts of lacing in rings after each sip.

Smell: floral and grainy, grainy/grassy combination slightly reminiscent of a continental pilsener, but a bit of ale fruitiness seeps through.

Taste: solidly bitter for the style, hops are more spicy/herbal than anything else. aftertaste lingers. malt profile is simple and leaves something to be desired.

Mouthfeel: served at cask temperature, but probably would have benefited from more chilling. somewhat creamy texture, light-medium body.

Drinkability: fairly average for the style

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 05-17-2008 15:40:34

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