Rating: B
Appearance: Nice looking beer, hard to determine whether it's more red or orange in the glass, very clear. Decent head, but lackluster retention and lacing. I find the color striking.
Smell: Some malt and nutmeg aromas, but fairly clean as a lager, with some noble hops in the background.
Taste: At first my friend and I were surprised at how little flavor we were getting out of this one. It tasted almost watery - after warming in the glass for a bit, though, flavor finally started to come out and continued to improve down to the bottom of the glass. Definitely don't serve this one at refrigerator temperatures. Malt is the big stand out, of course, with some earthiness, and a very clean finish. Somewhat toasty, with enough hops to balance the malts.
Mouthfeel: Fairly light mouthfeel, good carbonation.
Drinkability: Pretty high, but not my favorite of the Sam Adams lineup. Didn't meet my expectations, at least.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 09-01-2006 04:11:53
Smell: Some malt and nutmeg aromas, but fairly clean as a lager, with some noble hops in the background.
Taste: At first my friend and I were surprised at how little flavor we were getting out of this one. It tasted almost watery - after warming in the glass for a bit, though, flavor finally started to come out and continued to improve down to the bottom of the glass. Definitely don't serve this one at refrigerator temperatures. Malt is the big stand out, of course, with some earthiness, and a very clean finish. Somewhat toasty, with enough hops to balance the malts.
Mouthfeel: Fairly light mouthfeel, good carbonation.
Drinkability: Pretty high, but not my favorite of the Sam Adams lineup. Didn't meet my expectations, at least.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 09-01-2006 04:11:53
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