Thursday 5 October 2006

Review: Total Eclipse Black Ale

Total Eclipse Black Ale from Hoppy Brewing Co.
Rating: B

I'm over-amused by the "Hoppy Brewing Co.'s" name, here.

Appearance: Dark ruby in color, not quite opaque and fairly clear. Good bit of head that leaves nice lace.

Smell: Big roasted malt aroma. Roast, roast and more roast. Some coffee notes, too, but bordering on "burnt" Not a whole lot of complexity here.

Taste: Taste is along the same lines. Lots of coffee flavor notes, roasty, chocolate seems like it's trying to get out there but not quite managing it. Not a whole lot in the way of hop flavor. What's there isn't bad, but a little lacking in depth.

Mouthfeel: Lighter and more highly carbonated than I would have anticipated from the appearance or the taste.

Drinkability: Not bad, but not great either. Glad I split the bomber.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 10-05-2006 01:33:04

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