Thursday 5 October 2006

Review: YuleSmith

YuleSmith from AleSmith Brewing Company
Rating: A-

Appearance: A good bit of sediment floating around, but that's probably because I was trying to get every bit out of the bottle. Reddish orange in color, good two finger head that leaves exceptional lacing. Nice looking IPA!

Smell: Aroma is definitely on the sweeter side, definitely a double IPA. As far as hops go, citrus fruit aromas, but surprisingly malt sweetness seems to be in the foreground as far as aroma goes.

Taste: Big caramel taste, with lots of hops bitterness backing it up. Juicy citrus hops flavors, with a good bit of alcohol warming present as well. I think I prefer DFH 90, on the whole....

Mouthfeel: A little on the syrupy side of things, as I tend to find most DIPA's, but good. Carbonation worked well enough.

Drinkability: An excellent beer, but perhaps a tiny bit overrated. Maybe I should have waited until winter to try this holiday ale =) Thanks to intriqken for giving me the opportunity to try this one! I had really been looking forward to it!

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 10-05-2006 01:24:32

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