Monday 11 December 2006

Review: Our Special Ale 2006 (Anchor Christmas Ale)

Our Special Ale 2006 (Anchor Christmas Ale) from Anchor Brewing Company
Rating: B

Appearance: Rich garnet color, impressive off-white head that leaves a good bit of lacing. Fairly clear. Unfortunately, the rest of the beer never quite lives up to its appearance in the glass.

Smell: Pine, caramel malt, roast, spice, and an herbal character that reminds me a bit of the aroma of the gruits from that brewery in Scotland.

Taste: Pine resinyness is the first thing to hit the tongue, with spices galore, a hint of anise, some roast in the finish... It seems like there's just too much going on here. Judging from the reviews, it looks like many will disagree, but I think this beer winds up seeming unfocused, like they threw a bunch of holiday-related things in hoping the flavors would jive, and they didn't quite make it. Maybe it would mellow with some age, although with an ABV of only 5.5%, it's not likely.

Mouthfeel: Big rich body, prickly carbonation.

Drinkability: I wouldn't want more than one in a sitting.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 12-11-2006 23:25:27

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