Tuesday 10 June 2008

Review: Alligator American Style Beer

Alligator American Style Beer from Ascot Ales
Rating: C+

Reviewed at the Cambridge Beer Festival.

Appearance: honey color, not quite clear, small head with no lace

Smell: light aroma, ale fruitiness but not the intense "grapefruit, lychee and orange hop flavors" that the brewer-provided description promises.

Taste: what a letdown, after seeing the name I thought a British brewer had attempted to make a true APA but it seems I was mistaken. Little discernible hop flavors.

Mouthfeel: good body, unfortunately probably the high point of this beer.

Drinkability: for all its faults, fairly drinkable

Serving type: cask

Reviewed on: 06-10-2008 10:47:04

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