Sunday 19 March 2006

Review: Harp Lager

Harp Lager from Guinness Ltd.
Rating: C+

So strange to drink a Euro Pale Lager from Ireland...

Pours somewhere between gold and honey with a big frothy white head that sticks around. Looks good, anyway.

Crisp, clean lagery aroma... almost nothing going on here.

Tastes a little hoppier than most euro pale lagers. Bitterness, malt, then bitterness again on the pallet. Finishes with a sharper bitter hops aftertaste than most.

Mouthfeel is dominated by carbonation - a good thing, because with less carbonation it'd be watery.

Overall, better than average in an unremarkable style. Go down good as a St. Paddy's Day leftover, but certainly not to be sought out.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-19-2006 20:37:45

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