Wednesday 15 March 2006

Review: Peroni Nastro Azzurro

Peroni Nastro Azzurro from Birra Peroni Industriale S.p.A.
Rating: C-

To my knowledge, this is the only Italian beer I've had, so I was curious to see what it was like.
Pours a very clear pale gold with a big foamy white head. Little to no lacing.

Almost no smell, except for a hint of skunkiness toward the end. Best before date indicates this still has 5 months to go...

Not a whole lot of taste here... No maltiness to speak of, a little hops bitterness at the end, but very watery...

Crisp mouthfeel, almost like drinking mineral water - actually, very reminiscent of mineral water.

You could drink a lot of this, because it's so watery, but why bother? Maybe it'd be good with some pizza, sitting at a cafe in Italy all afternoon, but it's not for those who like beer for being beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-15-2006 02:55:36

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