Monday, 19 February 2007

Review: Dale's Pale Ale

Dale's Pale Ale from Oskar Blues Grill & Brewery
Rating: B+

Ah, the famous Dale's Pale Ale has finally made its way to Florida. Let's see how it is!

Appearance: Opens with less of a carbonation hiss than I expected, actually the empty can feels a bit lighter than usual, too. It pours a pumpkin orange, very clear, nice fluffy white one-finger head. Retention is fair, lacing is good.

Smell: Citrusy hops dominate the aroma, with some ale fruitiness and a malt backbone in the background.

Taste: Lots of hops flavor in every sip, but not overwhelmingly bitter. In addition to citrus, there's a resiny character to the hops flavor. This is a big pale ale loaded with flavor, and at 6.5% abv it's not light on alcohol either.

Mouthfeel: Medium body, carbonation a bit on the light side.

Drinkability: I'm floored, great beer from a can, who'd have thunk it? Apparently, the boys at Oskar Blues. "Beer for a glass, from a can" indeed.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 02-19-2007 01:12:16

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