Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Review: Mojo Risin' Double IPA

Mojo Risin' Double IPA from Boulder Beer / Wilderness Pub
Rating: A-

Appearance: Lighter in color than expected - more of a golden rather than a deep orange. Actually lighter than the Great Divide Fresh Hop Pale Ale that my friend was pouring - surprising. Good head and lacing.

Smell: Aroma is of citrusy hops. Some sweet, caramel malt presence, but not quite as much as I'd expect.

Taste: Juicy, grapefruity hops flavor. Not quite as overwhelmingly in-your-face grapefruit as Smuttynose "Finest Kind" but getting there (better balanced, perhaps?). 10.5% alcohol is frighteningly well-concealed.

Mouthfeel: Medium body. Avoids being syrupy. Well-carbonated.

Drinkability: High! This is good stuff.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 02-13-2007 13:16:06

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