Tuesday 24 April 2007

Review: Tremont IPA

Tremont IPA from Shipyard Brewing Co.
Rating: C

Appearance: Light orange/amber in color, good white head. Solid retention. Some lacing.

Smell: Very interesting aroma... hard to place. Some toast, fruit (but in an almost artificial, gumdrop kind of way), Not much hops, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and attribute that to it being an English IPA. Rather strange on the whole: too much artificial fruitiness, not enough hops.

Taste: Interesting, to say the least... Bready, diacetyl, weird fruitiness at the finish. Very little in the way of hops: I know this is an EIPA, but still. Aftertaste is less weird.

Mouthfeel: Okay.

Drinkability: Won't be buying this one again, for sure. I wasn't expecting an English IPA, and I'm sensitive to diacetyl to begin with. Oh well.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 04-24-2007 21:50:23

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