Sunday 14 September 2008

Review: Fire Rock Pale Ale

Fire Rock Pale Ale from Kona Brewing Company
Rating: B

I'm fairly certain this is my first beer from Hawaii. This beer has traveled a long way, purchased in South Florida.

Appearance: Honey in color, quite clear. One finger head with mediocre retention and some lacing.

Smell: Not as hoppy as I had expected from the style. Both citrusy and herbal. Hints of berry and sour orange juice.

Taste: Citrusy hops, floral jamaica tea, dry cereal finish. Not bad.

Mouthfeel: Slightly slick light-medium body, carbonation a tad on the light side.

Drinkability: Fairly mediocre APA, but drinkable.

UPDATE: Heh, I just opened the antepenultimate beer from this six-pack and finally noticed that under each cap is a Hawaiian word and English translation, like the "Learn Chinese" phrases in a fortune cookie. Nice touch.

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