Monday 20 February 2006

Review: Victoria

Victoria from Grupo Modelo S.A. de C.V.
Rating: B-

Pours a nice dark honey color, could almost be called orange. Heavily carbonated but it seems like my head had a hard time forming and dissipated quickly. Points for color, points off for lack of head.

Aroma doesn't have much going on... malt stands out, but on the whole pretty mellow.

Interesting - the hops doesn't come out much in the nose at all, but it really comes out in the mouth. Opposite for the malt. Initial bite of bitterness and carbonation, but resolves to a pleasant hops finish.

Pretty light lager mouthfeel, hops aftertaste is quite nice. I could drink quite a few of these. As far as macros go, this is a very solid beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 02-20-2006 23:16:39

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