Monday 14 May 2007

Review: Baltika #6 Porter

Baltika #6 Porter from Pivzavod Baltika / Baltic Beverages Holding
Rating: B+

Appearance: Very dark, opaque, good head, retention and some lacing.

Smell: Roast, coffee, chocolate - very typical porter profile, nothing in the way of smoke.

Taste: Lacks the hint of smokiness I expect in a Baltic porter. Fairly typical profile: coffee, chocolate, roast, hints of fruit & caramel.

Mouthfeel: Medium body, good carbonation.

Drinkability: Wouldn't be bad as an introductory porter, though I yearn for a hint of smokiness... Solid for what it is, though.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 05-14-2007 00:58:38

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