Friday 4 May 2007

Review: Doppelbock Dunkel

Doppelbock Dunkel from Brewery Castle Eggenberg
Rating: B-

I'm a bit surprised there are so few reviews of this one. Sampled at Stubbie in Gainesville, poured into a tall, thin Kulmbacher glass.

Appearance: Dark mahogany color, some head with decent retention, little lacing.

Smell: Typical dopplebock aromas: malt, but lagery-clean. Some caramel and alcohol.

Taste: Sweet malts, rounded off with hints of cocoa and caramel. A bit more alcohol than I prefer in the flavor, finishes on that note. Kind of a strange finish, really, not sure it's the alcohol.

Mouthfeel: Medium body, good carbonation.

Drinkability: Not bad, but the Optimator I had before this one was better.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 05-04-2007 17:17:04

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