Wednesday 2 August 2006

Review: Redhook Sunrye Ale

Redhook Sunrye Ale from Redhook Ale Brewery
Rating: C+

Appearance: golden color, surprisingly small head, but decent retention and looks like good lacing.

Smell: reminiscent of a macro, but with some rye and fruitiness as well.

Taste: tastes better out of a glass (not surprising), but still very light. i'd put this in the "kolsch" style, more than any other. Imagine a macro, with some lemon, toast, fruit and a (very minor) rye sharpness.

Mouthfeel: watery. undercarbonated, for being so light.

Drinkability: "light and refreshing," as the packaging says, i suppose. I bought a six-pack of this. I won't again.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 08-02-2006 22:54:03

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