Friday 11 August 2006

Review: Tuppers' Hop Pocket Ale

Tuppers' Hop Pocket Ale from Tuppers' Hop Pocket Brewing Company
Rating: B

Appearance: Amber-orange color, one finger head, decent retention. Some lacing. Not as clear as it could be, but jostling during transportation is probably to blame.

Smell: fresh hops aroma, but more subtle than I was expecting. Very "clean" smelling, with some caramel malt present as well.

Taste: More like a watered down DIPA than an AIPA. Sweet malts are the first thing to hit the tongue. Doesn't finish as dry as I prefer. Hard to describe the hops characteristics, as one particular flavor doesn't sound out. The aftertaste is quite piney, though.

Mouthfeel: Thicker mouthfeel than I was expecting. Good carbonation.

Drinkability: Not bad, but not great. DIPA-light is a good description.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 08-11-2006 01:26:54

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