Tuesday 1 August 2006

Review: Carlsberg Elephant Beer

Carlsberg Elephant Beer from Carlsberg Danmark A/S
Rating: C-

whoa! I picked this up on a whim not realizing it was "malt liquor" at 7.2% abv. classified as a euro strong lager here, I'm hoping it's just complying with some labeling laws.

Appearance: pours golden, darker than your average EPL, big white head with good retention and nice lacing. about as good as you can expect from this style, really.

Smell: skunky, sweet, not appealing at all. i think i'm picking up corn, but that might be a result of having seen "malt liquor" on the label.

Taste: doesn't taste quite as bad as it smells, but not good either. kind of sweet, hops toward the tail that are kind of harsh. alcohol is apparent.

Mouthfeel: more syrupy than the pilsner/EPL i was expecting here, too thick, really. that said, carbonation seems okay.

Drinkability: man am I sorry I got suckered into buying this one. I wanted a nice pilsner before going out tonight, and I wound up drinking a malt liquor.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 08-01-2006 21:19:51

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