Sunday 27 August 2006

Review: Silver Jubilee

Silver Jubilee from North Coast Brewing Co.
Rating: B+

My mom picked this one up for me - nice coincidence, because I've had several saisons lately and I'm trying to evaluate how I like the style.

Appearance: somewhat cloudy honey color, big head that leaves nice lacing. appears to be highly carbonated.

Smell: some citrus and grass, along with a distinctive Belgian yeast aroma.

Taste: Lots of spice going on, some citrus background. Not as "funky" as Dupont, more along the lines of Hennepin. Bitterness shows up right after the swallow - well balanced. Alcohol is pretty well-hidden.

Mouthfeel: Fairly highly carbonated, but by the end of the bottle less so. Body is fairly light.

Drinkability: Fairly drinkable.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 08-27-2006 00:04:27

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