Sunday 21 January 2007

Review: Baltika #4 Original (Dark)

Baltika #4 Original (Dark) from Pivzavod Baltika / Baltic Beverages Holding
Rating: B-

Appearance: Kind of dark/ruddy leather in color, with a nice two finger head with good retention. Attractive looking beer, head clings to the glass.

Smell: Smells a bit like Aventinus, caramel malts and a bit of dark fruit, but lagery clean too.

Taste: Lots of sweet malt flavor, and some dark fruitiness (raisins?). A little bit reminiscent of raison d'etre in that point... Hints of toast and brown sugar as well, right before the swallow. Does seem a tad watered-down, especially in the aftertaste.

Mouthfeel: A little slick, finishes a bit watery. Carbonation is just about right.

Drinkability: I would have preferred to share this bottle. Glad I've had my first Russian beer, though. Won't seek this one out, though.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 01-21-2007 02:36:01

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