Thursday, 11 January 2007

Review: Fat Tire Amber Ale

Fat Tire Amber Ale from New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Rating: B+

Had a bunch of these while I was in Arizona for the BCS National Championship - Go Gators!

Appearance: Amber color, clear, decent head and lacing.

Smell: Distinctly biscuity with slight hops aroma in the background.

Taste: Not much of the distinctive Belgian yeast aroma or flavor in this one, which I was naively expecting from a brewery called "New Belgium." Biscuity and grainy, with some hops in the background. Malt takes the lead in this one, and it is sufficiently complex without being too sweet, which helps drinkability a lot.

Mouthfeel: Not too thin, not too syrupy. Good.

Drinkability: Good - something even non craft beer drinkers can appreciate, maybe because it's complex-tasting without being bitter. Solid amber, probably the best I've had so far.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 01-11-2007 01:56:17

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