Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Review: Dunedin Apricot Peach Ale

Dunedin Apricot Peach Ale from Dunedin Brewery
Rating: B-

This one has been sitting in my apartment for a while now. Decided to try it today because I got a batch of carambola (star fruit) wine started yesterday, and it reminded me of the bottle sitting in the corner... Should be noted that the bottle I have looks completely different from the one shown in the picture.

Appearance: Holy cow, maybe the most carbonated beer I've ever had to pour. Ridiculous - I poured fairly carefully, and there was maybe an inch of beer in the pint glass, and the rest was all foam. After settling down, it expanded to maybe 2.5 inches, and I was able to pour in some more beer. Pale peach (surprise!) in color, champagne like carbonation - copious amounts of bubbles streaming up from the bottom. Rocky white head. Pretty attractive beer, really, but be warned when you're pouring!

Smell: Initially a little offputting. Peach is very present, with some sour apricot and believe it or not a bit of hops. Juicy smelling.

Taste: Slightly sour, very light - almost reminiscent of mineral water. Peach shows up on the front of the palate, apricot at the finish and in the back of your mouth. Somehow manages to avoid being too sweet, despite a lack of much malt or hops character.

Mouthfeel: Carbonation too high - again reminiscent of mineral water.

Drinkability: Not bad for a fruit beer, but I won't be buying this one again. This one goes out to the ladies...

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 01-17-2007 23:51:34

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