Thursday 11 January 2007

Review: The Raj India Pale Ale

The Raj India Pale Ale from Four Peaks Brewing Company
Rating: B+

Appearance: Typical orangey-copper color for an IPA. Not a lot of head or lace, but could be blamed on the pour.

Smell: lots of fresh hops, not as sweet smelling as a DIPA. Considering this, and that on the menu it's identified simply as "IPA" I'm guessing this might be miscategorized on the site.

Taste: Similar profile - more of the hops, less of the malt sweetness, this is an AIPA. 6.9% alcohol is hidden well.

Mouthfeel: Just about right. Again - too thin to be a DIPA.

Drinkability: Good.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 01-11-2007 01:47:27

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