Tuesday 13 June 2006

Review: Bush Ambrée

Bush Ambrée from Brasserie Dubuisson Frères sprl
Rating: B

Submitting this review, I'm amused to see that my notes are... well, scarcely legible. At least I had the presence of mind to be taking notes, considering the alcohol content on this beast.

Appearance: dark honey color, medium head, nice lacing. When the waiter brought this he called it the "wine of beers."

Smell: alcohol, of course, but some spiciness to it as well, and a touch of fresh hops aroma! A little surprising (in a good way) - I expected a quadrupel to smell sweeter.

Taste: very warming - no surprise, given the alcohol content. Slightly acidic, some fruitiness, with a candi finish. Slight diacetyl butteriness in there... Reminiscent of drinking barleywine.
Mouthfeel is slightly syrupy, but the carbonation is perfect and offsets it nicely. For drinkability, I scrawled something that looks like "gouof beirk!" but I think "good beer!" is what I was shooting for. Alcohol is a little high to be drank in quantity, obviously - best shared with a friend, this one - and not one who's going to be driving! Good one to finish out your night on. Of course, you'll pretty much have to, anyway.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-13-2006 00:34:56

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