Wednesday, 28 June 2006

Review: Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Samuel Adams Boston Lager from Boston Beer Company (Sam Adams)
Rating: B+

Can't believe it's taken me so long to get around to actually reviewing this one...

Appearance: Poured an appealing amber/copper color, moderate head, some lacing.

Smell: Earthy hop aroma, with a little bit of toasted malt.

Taste: Nice to see how big a role the hops have in this one. The flavors are very earthy - I think you could almost say there's a little bit of saltiness. Toasted (maybe a touch burnt?) grain backs up the hops. Finishes on very dry, which I find appealing.

Mouthfeel: fairly light, good level of carbonation. "creamy" is going too far, but it's slightly in that direction.

Drinkability: Very nice Vienna Lager: dry finish definitely helps drinkability, it's flavorful enough that you want to keep drinking, while light enough that you can. Where there aren't many other options, this is a great standby.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-28-2006 05:09:41

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