Wednesday 7 June 2006

Review: Hansa Pilsener

Hansa Pilsener from South African Breweries plc
Rating: C

Appearance: pale gold, good head, no lacing. I love that it says on the bottle "Kiss of the Saaz" - always nice to know which hop it is you're tasting. Very clear.

Smell: clean lager, hint of hops... corn is indicated as an ingredient on the label, but I can't pick it up in the nose.

Taste: ahh, there's the corn. not too bad, though, much less than Castle - bitterness is also much smoother - noble hops at work.

Mouthfeel: a little thick - surprisingly so, actually. Finishes smooth, good carbonation.

Drinkability: somehow a little heavy feeling to be too drinkable. not much to object to in this one, though. nice alternative to some of the other widely distributed beers in SA, though.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-07-2006 14:04:56

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