Pauwel Kwak from Brouwerij Bosteels
Rating: B
I literally had to give up my left shoe to taste this beer. Sampled at Den Anker Belgian restaurant on the waterfront in Cape Town, the restaurant serves these in a Kwak mini-yard glass on a wooden stand. Because the glasses cost so much, they require you to forfeit your left shoe until you finish, which is hoisted above the bar in a basket. Makes for a good story, but not a real good air freshener.
Appearance: Pours a transparent red-orange, with a big head that looks like egg whites that have been beaten until they form stiff peaks - how is it so dense? Nice lacing as you get down the glass. A beautiful beer.
Smell: A touch of spicy fresh hops aroma here, which picqued my interest, but some candi sweetness too that I'm not a fan of.
Taste: sweet, as expected, but with a nice toastiness as well. Biscuit is well-defined. Alcohol is definitely noticeable.
Mouthfeel: syruppy, and gets old quickly. The label indicates otherwise, but it's hard to believe there's not some candi sugar in here.
Drinkability: suffers from being overly sweet. Unfortunately, the appearance was the best part of this one, and I think it may have set my expectations too high.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 06-13-2006 01:10:10
Rating: B
I literally had to give up my left shoe to taste this beer. Sampled at Den Anker Belgian restaurant on the waterfront in Cape Town, the restaurant serves these in a Kwak mini-yard glass on a wooden stand. Because the glasses cost so much, they require you to forfeit your left shoe until you finish, which is hoisted above the bar in a basket. Makes for a good story, but not a real good air freshener.
Appearance: Pours a transparent red-orange, with a big head that looks like egg whites that have been beaten until they form stiff peaks - how is it so dense? Nice lacing as you get down the glass. A beautiful beer.
Smell: A touch of spicy fresh hops aroma here, which picqued my interest, but some candi sweetness too that I'm not a fan of.
Taste: sweet, as expected, but with a nice toastiness as well. Biscuit is well-defined. Alcohol is definitely noticeable.
Mouthfeel: syruppy, and gets old quickly. The label indicates otherwise, but it's hard to believe there's not some candi sugar in here.
Drinkability: suffers from being overly sweet. Unfortunately, the appearance was the best part of this one, and I think it may have set my expectations too high.
Serving type: bottle
Reviewed on: 06-13-2006 01:10:10
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