Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Review: Heineken Lager Beer

Heineken Lager Beer from Heineken Nederland B.V.
Rating: C-

Appearance: Gold/straw color with a big white head, very little lacing

Smell: minerally, otherwise typical lager, very neutral and clean. Pouring from a can, so no chance of sun-struck skunkiness here.

Taste: hard to believe this is considered premium beer by many. At first very neutral, but then there's a sulphury-vegetative flavor - is this the hops they use, or DMS from not being boiled properly? The finish is dry, at least, but the aftertaste is vaguely unpleasant.

Mouthfeel: carbonation is good for the style, light bodied but that fits the style too.

Drinkability: I guess since it's more expensive than American macros, shallow people might be impressed if you order one of these instead. Beyond that, hard to think of much use for this.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 06-13-2006 02:26:21

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