Tuesday 13 June 2006

Review: Verboden Vrucht / Fruit Defendu (Forbidden Fruit)

Verboden Vrucht / Fruit Defendu (Forbidden Fruit) from Brouwerij van Hoegaarden
Rating: B

Appearance: dark honey, moderate white head, some lacing but not much, and lots of dark floaties.

Smell: lots of yeasty fruitiness, a hint of spice, sweet

Taste: not quite up to my expectations (granted, they were a little too high). Acidic, fruity, yeasty, a hint of caramel. The alcohol is detectable, but well-hidden considering this is a 9% ABV brew.

Mouthfeel: medium body, highly carbonated, perhaps more than necessary. The acidity contributes to a very nice crisp finish.

Drinkability: The flavor was a bit disappointing, but it still left me wanting more. Good beer, but not worth the price I paid for it in South Africa.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-13-2006 02:16:18

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