Wednesday 7 June 2006

Review: Düssel Altbier

Düssel Altbier from Drayman's Brewery
Rating: B+

Proud to be the first to review this offering from Drayman's in Pretoria - I stopped by and talked to the brewer and purchased two liters of this one.

Appearance: comes in a one liter brown plastic bottle - interesting packaging choice, I'm curious whether it's for economic or transportation reasons. Pours brown with garnet-red hues, very clear (surprisingly so, actually) with a small head and not much retention. Some lacing.

Smell: malty, with a definite nuttiness and a touch of fruitiness at the end.

Taste: malt sweetness, then nutty, then resolves to a very nice bitter finish. It's Tettnanger hops in this one. The most bitter beer I had in South Africa to-date: very refreshing from the usual underhopped macro lagers!

Mouthfeel: Moderate body, carbonation is good, very crisp finish, very pleasant aftertaste.

Drinkability: Very good. Light enough to be refreshing and leave you wanting more, but flavorful enough to be worth drinking on its own. This is probably my favorite of the Drayman's offerings that I've had so far.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-07-2006 14:59:24

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