Tuesday 13 June 2006

Review: Orval Trappist Ale

Orval Trappist Ale from Brasserie d'Orval S.A.
Rating: A-

Sampled at a Belgian restaurant/bar in Cape Town, I think this one has become a new favorite.

Appearance: pours a honey-amber color, good head, some lacing.

Smell: floral, fresh hops aromas - this isn't your typical Belgian! I'm surprised by how forward the hops are. There's some sweetness in here, too, but not overwhelming like some others I've had lately. Not so much else going on aroma-wise, though.

Taste: very nice and complex. Sweet at the front, then has a grassy fresh hops flavor before finishing on a fig note.

Mouthfeel: ahh, nice and dry - refreshing in a Belgian, and very unlike the others I've had recently. Carbonation is good, and the aftertaste is nice.

Drinkability: I liked this one a lot. Many Belgians are too sweet for me, but this one was dry, had a real hop presence, and was overall very drinkable.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 06-12-2006 23:24:47

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