Monday 21 July 2008

The State of Australian Beer

Alan at A Good Beer Blog links to an exceptionally amusing opinion piece in the generally amusing Australian. The author bemoans the fact that "most of Australian beer is mystifyingly, unspeakably, irredeemably crap:"
It can be a tough thing for a nation as self-consciously beer-loving as ours to face up to, but drink most Australian beers and you just know, deep in the darkest chambers of your broken heart, that the average polecat is capable of brewing something better in its bladder. This explains our obsession with cold beer: the colder it is, the less you can taste it.
He goes on to point out that to demand quality beer is not to sacrifice machismo. After all:
...the Czechs, who gave us the unparalleled gift of pilsner, are probably the greatest brewers of them all, yet still found time to manfully shrug off fascism, communism, Neville Chamberlain and a shortage of vowels.
Great stuff!

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