Monday 21 July 2008

Beer and Book Pairings

In a two part series, Amazon's Omnivoracious blog asked some tough questions and followed up with some serious investigative reporting:

For a long time, I’ve wondered why wine and food should have all the fun. Here at Omnivoracious, we also believe in the complementary pairing of books Now, please note that we’re not advocating irresponsible reading, but with the current popularity of micro-breweries and the role of beer in the writing of books over the centuries, it seems somehow irresponsible not to pair the two. We’re frankly a little surprised no one’s done it before.

Thus, I took it upon myself to explore the connection between hops and writing chops, going far afield to ask a diverse group of writers what beer or beers would go best with their latest work.

What were the results? Too many to list here, but some of the more interesting choices included:
The Omnivoracious contributor who conducted this informal survey is an author in his own right, and (as it turns out) one with excellent taste in beer:
As for my own books, including City of Saints & Madmen and Shriek, I always recommend the marvelous Belgian dark beers Delirium Nocturnum and Leffe Brun, the Bavarian Aventinus (a wheat doppelbock), Arrogant Bastard, and several others.
Next time you pick up a good book, pick up a good beer with your free hand - cheers!

1 comment:

Iamreddave said...

At swim two birds and Guinness?