Monday 18 August 2008

Review: Etoile d'Or

Etoile d'Or from Marks & Spencer
Rating: C+

Last beer from the M&S "Beers of the World" pack - glad it's finally over!

Appearance: Highly carbonated, light golden in color. Poor head retention, despite the addition of "wheat protein," according to the ingredietns. Some lacing.

Smell: A pleasant spring/mineral water aroma at first, sweet corn coming out as it warms, but a fairly light and inoffensive lager.

Taste: Fairly crisp and clean, a big improvement on the last beer in this pack. Corn is there, but not distracting. Bitterness is fairly well-balanced for the style.

Mouthfeel: Light-medium body, prickly carbonation. Fairly clean finish. No unpleasant aftertaste.

Drinkability: For the style, not bad. Given what the rest of the pack tasted like, I had been expecting the worst. Firmly middle of the road. Certainly not what one expects, or hopes for when he hears the words "Belgian beer."

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