Monday 26 March 2007

Review: Imperial Pumpkin Ale

Imperial Pumpkin Ale from Weyerbacher Brewing Co.
Rating: B

Appearance: Deep orange/garnet in color, good clarity, big head with good retention. Lots of lacing. Really very nice looking.

Smell: Lots of big pumpkin flavor, with spices in the background - ginger being a standout. Hint of brown sugar.

Taste: Acidic pumpkin, toast, caramel. Spice - ginger finish. Aftertaste is interesting - caramel/pumpkin. 8% abv is well-concealed.

Mouthfeel: Medium-body, smooth, carbonation seemed a little light.

Drinkability: You can only really drink one pumpkin beer at a time, but this one isn't a bad one.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-26-2007 22:59:19

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