Thursday 8 March 2007

Review: Trappistes Rochefort 10

Trappistes Rochefort 10 from Brasserie de Rochefort (Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy)
Rating: A+

Appearance: Dark, mahogany brown in color. Nearly opaque, but not quite. I stopped pouring as soon as I saw lots of dark sediment in the neck of the bottle. I'll pour in the floaties later. Head is modest, tan in color, and shows good retention. Little lacing, perhaps due to the high alcohol content... or my glass not being clean enough.

Smell: Belgian, spicy... Aroma is more "dry" than "sweet" - curious to see if the taste matches. Dark fruits, brown sugar and hefeweizen like aromas (bubblegum, especially) come out more as it warms. Also, boozy when it's warmed more...

Taste: Wow that's good: an explosion of flavor on the tongue. Spicy, with dark fruits (cherry?), tart. Yeast lends itself to breadiness, plenty of hops to balance the sweetness common in the style. Finishes tart and dry (highly attenuated) rather than sweet. 11.3% abv? You must be kidding. Very good.

Mouthfeel: Body is much lighter than I would have expected, I'd call it just on the light side of medium. Tingly carbonation. Warms on the way down rather than in the mouth. Creamy.

Drinkability: High, high, high.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-08-2007 03:37:45

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