Saturday 10 March 2007

Review: Piraat (Amber Triple IPA)

Piraat (Amber Triple IPA) from Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.
Rating: B+

Appearance: Very nice looking beer. Pours with a huge, white, rocky head with very good retention and nice lacing. Color is golden straw, not perfectly clear. Unfortunately this was the best part of the beer.

Smell: Typical Belgian yeast aroma, plus some funk, some spice, and some floral hops character. Not nearly as much hops in the aroma from a beer that says "IPA" on the bottle, and not nearly as much as the last Belgian IPA I had...

Taste: Hugely cidery - in fact, the dominant flavor here is apple cider. Crisp, and slightly acidic. Alcohol is noticeable. Some spice. Bitterness is decent.

Mouthfeel: Medium body, good carbonation.

Drinkability: Slightly disappointing, unfortunately. I was surprised by the relative lack of hops character and the overwhelming cidery-ness. Alcohol too high and flavor not enjoyable enough to drink much at a time.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-10-2007 03:49:28

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