Thursday 22 March 2007

Review: Negra Modelo (Dark Beer)

Negra Modelo (Dark Beer) from Grupo Modelo S.A. de C.V.
Rating: B-

Appearance: Dark amber/not-quite-brown in color, some head but with little retention. Some lacing.

Smell: Clean and lagery, surprisingly light on aroma considering the color alone. Mild malt?

Taste: Sweet caramel and enough hops bitterness to balance and fit the style. Not objectionable in the least. Who would put a lime into this?

Mouthfeel: Fairly light body, good carbonation.

Drinkability: Not bad at all, and given the choices on the menu, this was probably the best choice - and fit the theme of the restaurant, too, but not something I'd choose to buy in another context.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-22-2007 18:18:34

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