Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Review: Thomas Hardy's Ale

Thomas Hardy's Ale from O'Hanlon's Brewing Co. Ltd.
Rating: A

2005 edition, No. P 36962, 11.7% abv

Appearance: 8.5 oz bottle poured into a Duvel tulip. Slightly hazy, dark amber/brown in color, little in the way of head, retention, or lacing, perhaps due to the high abv.

Smell: Sweet, dark, alcohol-soaked fruits (raisins, figs). Some toffee/caramel notes as well. Some cocoa as it warms,

Taste: Wow, very full-flavored. Same flavor profile as the aroma, sweet dark fruits at the front of the palate. Much more bitter than I was anticipating, which balances all the sweetness well and keeps it drinkable. Caramel in the middle, finishes on a cocoa powder note. Alcohol is noticeable, but not unpleasant. Somewhat acidic.

Mouthfeel: Medium-body, carbonation surprisingly high.Smooth.

Drinkability: Great dessert beer to be had on its own - not too sweet, full and complex. High alcohol is the biggest limitation on drinkability.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 03-14-2007 21:03:47

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