Monday 20 August 2007

Review: Meantime India Pale Ale

Meantime India Pale Ale from Meantime Brewing Company Limited
Rating: A-

Nicely presented, bottle and label both. Poured into my BA Founding Subscriber SA Boston Lager pint glass - first beer to Christen the glass.

Appearance: Amber color, good sized head with good retention. Clear. Good lacing.

Smell: earthy hops, sour-dough bread. Not overwhelmingly hoppy in aroma, but clearly dry hopped

Taste: nowhere near approaching AIPA levels of hoppiness, but perhaps better balanced for it. Complex flavor profile: fresh, herbal and slightly citrusy hops, full bready malt profile, reminiscent in some ways of a Belgian in its complexity - if they had used a Belgian yeast, this could be one of the new Belgian IPAs. Malts are sweet and full, but bitterness slid enough to balance it out. Finishes dry, pleasant aftertaste.

Mouthfeel: body not quite medium, carbonation right on.

Drinkability: high, I enjoyed this one and was sad to finish the bottle.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 08-20-2007 12:54:09

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