Thursday 9 August 2007

Review: Yanjing Beer

Yanjing Beer from Beijing Yanjing Beer Group Corporation
Rating: D+

It's pretty much impossible to spend any time in Beijing without consuming a lot of this stuff. Appearance is a rather bright yellow, very clear, no head retention to speak of. Slight lacing. Smell is sweet, of grain and a touch of apple cider vinegar. Taste finishes sweet, a little apple flavor. Light. Aftertaste is clean. Mouthfeel is light, carbonation about right for a beer meant to be consumed in quantity. Drinkability is decent, despite its other failings.

Serving type: can

Reviewed on: 08-09-2007 16:12:44

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree mostly. It is a beer that is not at all distinctive. Mild hops,watery and grainy.No lacing and little to no head retention.

There are other choices,actually many other choices.