Friday 28 July 2006

Review: 120 Minute IPA

120 Minute IPA from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Rating: B+

Appearance: Poured from the bottom of the keg, with a huge stiff head that lasted to the bottom of the glass. Copper color, very nice looking beer.

Smell: sweet, floral hops, and a good bit of alcohol.

Taste: much like the smell, but stronger. This is an intense beer! sweeter than I think I'd prefer, but well worth seeking out.

Mouthfeel: slightly syrupy, this was a low-point.

Drinkability: found myself wishing I'd gotten more beer and less head from the pour, but it was complimentary so no complaints! That said, the huge alcohol content limits drinkability.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-27-2006 23:09:45

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