Saturday 29 July 2006

Review: Messina Lager

Messina Lager from Heineken Italia SpA (formerly Birra Dreher)
Rating: C

I'd never seen this one before so I picked it up, singles were going for $1 even so I didn't go in with high expectations.

Appearance: light honey color, smaller than expected head with decent retention. Minimal lacing.

Smell: smells like a macro, but better than heineken at least (must be the brown bottle!). Bready and hints of sweetness.

Taste: Hops character is subdued and kind of floral. Somewhat pilsner-like, sweet, weird aftertaste... kind of savory. Light flavor on the whole.

Mouthfeel: fairly thin mouthfeel, what else to expect in this style, but the carbonation is relatively tame in comparison to others.

Drinkability: Good to pair with spicy food, I'd wager, but I won't pick it up again. On the whole an exceptionally average beer.

Serving type: bottle

Reviewed on: 07-28-2006 23:13:18

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