Sunday 2 July 2006

Review: Brewer's Art Proletary Ale

Brewer's Art Proletary Ale from Brewer's Art
Rating: B+

Appearance: Nicely poured, with a one finger off-white head that lasted longer than I thought it would. Good amount of lacing. When held up to the light, nothing comes through - very black.

Smell: Has a distinctive Belgian yeast smell, with some chocolate sweetness in the background.

Taste: It might smell like a Belgian, but it tastes like a porter. Big roast character, without being burnt (like the porter I'd had before this one). Appropriately hopped.

Mouthfeel: feels like a porter, moderate body, good carbonation

Drinkability: Interesting beer that seems to straddle style differences. It went very well with the chocolate cherry bread pudding we ordered for dessert. Think of it as a session porter.

Serving type: on-tap

Reviewed on: 07-02-2006 13:08:04

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